watch. listen. record.

Radio Artifact is a venue, recording studio, and radio station in Cincinnati, OH - located within undercroft of the St. Pius X cathedral! One of their primary goals is to elevate and support local music.

On this brand I wanted to make a visual fixture that not only stood out, but had a multi-layered meaning. In the final that you see, I combined an interpretation of the St. Pius X steeple, with radio waves being broadcast from it, in tandem with a record with a player stylus on it.



Radio Artifact is a state-of-the-art performance venue, radio station, and recording studio. However, the initial logo failed to communicate its full range of capabilities and value.

With this problem clear to me, I set out to create a logo, specifically with an icon mark, that would illustrate the wide array of services they provide, while also being so visually striking that it was undeniably “cool” on any piece of merchandise it could be printed on.

The logo itself illustrates a dual image - the church itself, which houses the studio in the undercroft, with radio waves emanating out - to show not only the radio station but the video broadcast of their weekly shows. To illustrate the general music performance and recording capabilities, It is in tandem a top-down view of a record player, with a vinyl spinning, with the stylus placed down on it.


Urban Artifact


King Shot Press